

1 00 awesome things



#71 World Heritage Site ~Taj Mahal~

Do you know what the most beautiful architectural landmark is? The answer is ... Yes Taj Mahal, in India. The weather forecast said it would rain on that day, but fortunately it was really sunny day so we could have a great time there. と…

#70 The School which is placed along with ROAD part3

In this post, I will show you guys the inside of the school. 道路沿いの学校の門 マイクをもって指導する校長先生 楽しそうに授業をうける子供達 授業では英語とヒンディー語を習います。 8 クラス同時に同じ屋根の下で。 制服もそろっていますね。 写真…

#69 The School which is placed along with ROAD part2

So I am going to go the school again to know what happens there. In this time, the president of this school named GAURAV NIKETAN SCHOOL is there. Let me introduce her firstly , she is Sneh Lata Hooda , the president of school and also foun…

#68 The School which is placed along with ROAD part1

I was just walking on the route at that time, then I found that something looked like a park was there along with the road. I could see some children were playing swings so asked them me "Hello! How are you? Is here park or something?" him…